miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

Feeling bad...

I've got headache >_<>
I don't really know what to do right now... maybe i should go to bed yet.

I talked a little bit with a friend of mine in Finland. We had so little time to talk now... He's working so much now! He wanted to come to Spain but now with all his work he can't. It must be pretty freezing there :S

What else...

Oh yes... My mother talked with my father. She wants to spend christmas in germany with me. My sister is visiting the USA and Honduras so i've got more freetime than normaly. The silence that surrounded me is so lovely... I try to enjoy it every minute i can.
So thats all for today! See you soon!!

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007

listening to HIM...

everyone who things it has to do about mann is right... but in this case its about a musik group...
I've listened to them always but these last days i started again. I've completley forgot how good they are and i'm enjoying it so well to listen again to them... You should listen this song here!

So thats all for today ^^ I'll write more these next days!

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2007

Back again!


Just wanted to know you that xD

I haven't played so much in my life... it was like gaming 24/7 the whole weekend on... I actually never drunk so much as i did there... nothing alcoholic but coca cola... maybe that was the reason why i didn't sleep...

Haven't done anything... just playing and gaming and had a lot of fun! I would love to repeat this again... ;) everyone was impressed of my skills xD

Really funny... I just can't remember when i last laughed that much...
A good friend of mine showed me a game called castlevania: i was always crusious about it but i never played it since than. Was a really cool experience indue to its actually an old game. The BSO is perfect as well as the art design ^^ I'll play it next time too ._.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2007

Another Weekend outside!

Yes! I'll spend another long weekend outside of Castelló!

I'll go to barcelona again to spend these 3 days with friends of mine. It'll be all about gaming and things like that so defenitly what i need!! ^^

It will be so cool going there and spend theses days with good friends.

My research project is doing well! I've worked a lot theses days and my teacher is really glad to see how my project is growing.

Haven't started the writing stuff narrative thing yet but i already have an idea... must develope it!!

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2007

Reading and reading and reading...

Thats what my lives about... READING. I've read like a bout 10 books in the last months for my research project as well as normal school stuff and my freetime literature. By the way i should start writing my own narrative for my project...

In a few days i'll go to barcelona and spend the weekend there... i think it'll be funny to spend time there ^^ maybe i'll buy some clothes or things xD
So thats it... i'll write more another day!

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2007

Hello AgaiN!

So... the second year has started!

Optimistic as everytime, I try to bring this to an end -_-

I'm really tired of studying here and i'm wondering how i've made it 'till here!... It just looks like years are passing by without any notice of it.

I hope that this year passes fastly by... I enjoyed summer to much even if it was stresfull!

We've just started so i don't really know what to write... maybe next time i'll be chatier