martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

the End of everything.

It's nearly done... we nearly have finished the las year in this school and are just to enter in university (at least, most of us).
It's like the beginning of a new life. An in circumstances more independent life that the one we hold til now, and so it's a new chapter in our a life. A step into a new world and to get independent.
It has been a very interesting year, we have learned a lot, not just in school, but in every possible way. Even if there were people that had to mend after being treatid badly by other students... a poor thing that should be changed in future, with a more critical view.
Lots of us will never see again, or perhaps in a long long time not. Everyone will go to university or other similar things and will start to take their life serious, at least i hope so. We have to get more responsable of our lifes and our actions and atittudes. It will be harder, but i'm confident that most of us will manage it ^^ Time will let us see..
In any way, it was a rigurous time, with a lot of things happening and a lot of things learnd, just like i said before, in any possible way.
I will miss some of the poeple but trust that i at least will see my best friend a lot of times anyway, or at least once a week xD

Good luck for everyone who reads this ^^
And i hope your summer holidays will be unforgetable ;)

Ps: First work, than pleasure, so also have fun while working ;))

Friendship II

Well, after talking about thing you can make wrong as a friend or suther style, I now would like to go on further with it, about those friends who don't know they're hurting their friends.
Seems criptic, but it exists, no doubt. Properly I have met people like that and i love them as any other of my friends.
What can you do against this? After some time it gets hard to understand them and more if you get hurted everytime by thm because of their stupideties and their uncontroled talking, and handeling.
I sometime actually think if they really are friends and have to remember the words of a wise man:
Everyone is a good person in you eyes, and than you get hurted such as you are now, crying and wondering of things happening. No teveryone is a good friend and so, not everyone know what they are doing.
What can we do against this? Loose another friend and be frustrated again...? NO WAY. DONE WITH IT.
Talk. Talk to this friend and tell them their behaviour is completly wrong, that they are hurting everyone with it. If they are good friends, they will understand you after all even if they get a little annoyed with your for an instant.


The last weeks i had a lot of time to think about life and its greaces and, as i think, one of the most important virtue is friendship, trusting in your friends.
I must admit that not so long ago i was unable to trust in anyone and still it's hard for me to trust in someone. I hardly trusted my parents such as i didn't showed them my feelings, and hardly treated my family well such as my friends. It's not like I didn't know what friendship is, but, for a long time i forgot what friendship means as well as trust. It took a long time for me to realize what its about and it was hard, perhaps one of the hardest struggles that i have to confront to. The fight anyway, isn't over yet. Thing get complicated when time passes and wounds may not close. Loosing your perhaps best friend is a significant event. It tooks everything away you ever trusted in. Things change by grwoing older, just like the moon changes by seasons, but so, they can turn in a similar way they were befor. Its about fighting for it, for your friendship.
By loosing a good friend, you loose more than a person you trust in. Its more thanthat, because you actually loose a part of you, a shape of your heart. If you loose your friend forever because he or she died, a part of you also dies, a part you can never forget. But if your friends is still alive, you can recover him or her. Its about being tolerant with changes happens. Shit happends but real friends forgive.

I'm a happy person, my best friend ( i think) has forgiven me my faults and my and we are now trying to trust in each other just like befor.

Searching for inspiration

After writing my on pastiche i have no finally finished the fisr chapter of my own created story. Its still pretty. I have made a big effort to get this chapter completed and i'm still not satisfied with it. It's to short and so less sensitive that you will feel nothing by reading it when I actually wanted it to be the most emotional writing ever made, the most horrifying thing mankind can create.
Anyway, my work wasn't enough and i didn't achieve to manage it. After finishing this thing I will concentrate better on it even if I must work.
Firt of all but, i will do my very best tp get through the last tests and after it, if I manage it to pass all the exams, selectivitat. I'm realistic about it and i know that i must work as hard as i can and that i can't achieve my goals if i don't work hard for them. Its just like writing: studying and practising improve your skills and make you better step after.
After all i just have to remember the picture of me as an criminologist as well as a author, more or less comonly known.
Anyway, in a few weeks we'll have holidays and so the good time of working starts. As we all know: first work, than pleasure, and so i have to wait until saturdays and sundays if i want to go to the beach or visiting friends of mine in barcelona... As stressfull as school can be.

I deserve every student i know the best wishes and good look for their exams indue to i know how they must feel now. Don't give up and remember your goals. They are the most important thing in live, and the engine that makes you working. Without wishes, things would be more than less interesting.