martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

Bioshoooooock :D

Yes Yes yes... I've played it!
Just a few minutes anyway because i was hungry and my friend wanted to leave ¬¬'
Anyway it was a lot of fun to shoot around! ^^
It made a lot of fun to play a little with the xbox360.. my parents don't want to buy me one so i rather play with the pc that mess around and disturb everyone...

So we're in the middle of the examns so i don't have a lot of time to write something here^^

I'll post the videoshock trailer so you can have a look on it
Also available for pc ;D

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008

Weekend is neaaaar...

And the studies too

Hello fellows

It's going to be a hard week just as i said before. Next week is filled with exams and lot of work! We're lucky thats just a week left till easter holidays and during them i'm sure that we'll continue studying. In just one month and a half everything will be finished and we'll start for the pre university tests... looks like a lot of work to come but anyway, if we work hard it'll be the last time to do this!

I'm so glad that easter holiday is comming ^^ i'll spend three days in barcelona again like everytime ^^ and this weekend i'm also goingo to barcelona during the weekend... but i will return soon on sunday... gotta study more ;)

What else...

OH YES ^^ my cousin from austria will come here to visit us!! (actually from honduras, but she's spending a year in Austria to learn the language in an pupils exchange project) and she'll stay there for the Football EM!

She'll come here and spend like 3-4 days with us and agin we're going to show her barcelona... just like we do with every parent ^^' During the Holidays i'll search for a job... there just a few months left 'till summer holidays and i don't wanna tay 3 months in a row here doing nothing! So i'll perhaps work in the tourist information centre here in ampuriabrava or in castello itself. We'll see ^^

So that all for today!

See you soon!!