martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

the End of everything.

It's nearly done... we nearly have finished the las year in this school and are just to enter in university (at least, most of us).
It's like the beginning of a new life. An in circumstances more independent life that the one we hold til now, and so it's a new chapter in our a life. A step into a new world and to get independent.
It has been a very interesting year, we have learned a lot, not just in school, but in every possible way. Even if there were people that had to mend after being treatid badly by other students... a poor thing that should be changed in future, with a more critical view.
Lots of us will never see again, or perhaps in a long long time not. Everyone will go to university or other similar things and will start to take their life serious, at least i hope so. We have to get more responsable of our lifes and our actions and atittudes. It will be harder, but i'm confident that most of us will manage it ^^ Time will let us see..
In any way, it was a rigurous time, with a lot of things happening and a lot of things learnd, just like i said before, in any possible way.
I will miss some of the poeple but trust that i at least will see my best friend a lot of times anyway, or at least once a week xD

Good luck for everyone who reads this ^^
And i hope your summer holidays will be unforgetable ;)

Ps: First work, than pleasure, so also have fun while working ;))

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