martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

Friendship II

Well, after talking about thing you can make wrong as a friend or suther style, I now would like to go on further with it, about those friends who don't know they're hurting their friends.
Seems criptic, but it exists, no doubt. Properly I have met people like that and i love them as any other of my friends.
What can you do against this? After some time it gets hard to understand them and more if you get hurted everytime by thm because of their stupideties and their uncontroled talking, and handeling.
I sometime actually think if they really are friends and have to remember the words of a wise man:
Everyone is a good person in you eyes, and than you get hurted such as you are now, crying and wondering of things happening. No teveryone is a good friend and so, not everyone know what they are doing.
What can we do against this? Loose another friend and be frustrated again...? NO WAY. DONE WITH IT.
Talk. Talk to this friend and tell them their behaviour is completly wrong, that they are hurting everyone with it. If they are good friends, they will understand you after all even if they get a little annoyed with your for an instant.

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